Doctors of Life

Syncretic Transformation of Hippocratic Medicine to Align with Evolutionary Life in Time, and to Catalyze Emergence of a Living Future

Is Love Unethical? (The Loving Earth #1)

“The cure for soul loss is in the mist of morning, the grass that grew a little through the night, the first warmth of the morning’s sunlight… walking in a world infused with intelligence and spirit.” – Linda Hogan, The Radiant Lives of Animals In...

Biological Time (Wider Circles #2)

“Lead pollution levels from the Middle Ages preserved in an ice core taken from the Colle Gnifetti glacier in the Swiss Alps reflect political upheaval in England. [When] a new monarch was secure, there were usually major building projects [that] produced more...

Choosing Life for Good (Wider Circles #1)

“We are moving in wider circles, we are opening our circle.” – Rising Appalachia When the two sisters who comprise Rising Appalachia sing their song “Wider Circles,” they speak of starting from the center and moving outward, and trace with their...

With Foresight (How Do I Love Thee? #2)

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I love the with the breath, Smiles, tears of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. – Elizabeth Barrett Browning You probably know someone who you kept intending to...